Customer Review of Ritchie Automatic Waterers
We received the nicest email and Ritchie waterer customer review and wanted to share it with you.
“I am not sure who to contact but I wanted to tell someone in your company how absolutely thrilled I am with your Ecofount 1. I just recently purchased this model from a local dealer after much research into automatic waterers. You see, about 8 years ago I purchased a Nelson Water product and from day one I had nothing but trouble. I have replaced the inside of the unit several times and from day one my horses refused to drink from it. It took weeks to get them close enough to attempt to take a drink. I would come home from work to find the unit had not shut off and water flowed for hours and flooded the pasture or during the summer would find the water was not working and my horses had been without water for hours in the heat and were dehydrated. Plus it was very expensive to heat during the winter months. The Nelson people were not anxious to offer suggestions and insisted they never had anyone with the problems I had over all the years. Most of the time they refused to even take my calls.
I had gone to a Clinton Anderson Clinic at his farm when he was in Belle Center, OH and I noticed your waterers everywhere. My horse was in a stall with one of your units and drank out of it very willingly. That was my first look at your products. I watch his TV show every week and see your commercials and was very impressed. When I had finally had enough with the Nelson water product I started looking thru the market for a replacement that might work for me. I always came back to your website and I decided to talk to several of your people at Trade Shows and on the phone before I was convinced to give you guys a try. I called customer service and told the person I talked to the issues I had with the Nelson and my situation with living in Michigan with the cold winters and hot summers. She suggested the ecofount1 and although afraid of purchasing another type of unit would only mean more problems and frustrations, I took a chance. Since the water line was already in and the cement pad was already there, we only had to make a few modifications. I was so thrilled when immediately after letting my horses in where the unit was they came right up to it and took a nice long drink from it. My horse actually loves to stand over the unit and play with the thermal cap. They are drinking much more water now than they ever did with the Nelson or the buckets I had to leave out in the pasture because the Nelson unit would always fail. One of the horses loves to scrap his teeth on the top of the unit and it only has a few marks on it and has held up extremely well to his abuse. I still worry and check it daily from habit and have not had one issue with your unit. I am so very happy that my horses now have access to fresh water all the time they are in there pasture.
I wonder now why it took so long for me to decide to try a different company. Your products are wonderful and your people are friendly and very helpful. I am telling my story to everyone I know. Thank you for all the care you put into making this product. ” ~Diana
To learn more about Ritchie automatic waterers, please visit our products page.